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Turmec's Operations Director in interview for the RTE Radio na Gaeltachta

Turmec's Operations Director in interview for the RTE Radio na Gaeltachta

After Turmec's double honour in the MBTAs, Paraic Griffin talks to Radio na Gaeltachta!

Paraic Griffin, Turmec's Operations Director talks to Iris Aniar about our recent awards, the company's history, growth and plans for the future.

You can listen back via:

Turmec has over 50 years of experience in the engineering and recycling industries. We plan, consult on design, manufacture and install recycling plant solutions and recycling equipment. Our design engineering division services a range of industrial sectors such as mining, power generation, construction, marine, environmental and more.

Our waste processing solutions include Construction and Demolition waste processing (C&D) , Dry Mixed Recycling (DMR), Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) wasteRDF waste processing , MSW recycling solutions & more.

We also offer recycling services and recycling machinery like tyre recycling machinesglass recycling machinesindustrial composting machinesmobile eddy current separators as well as used recycling equipment for sale. With over 50 years’ experience Turmec is dedicated to finding the best recycling engineering solutions for their clients’ requirements. Contact us for free expert advice now.